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How to Find the Best Custom Cannabis Packaging Designer

How to Find the Best Custom Cannabis Packaging Designer

Investing in brand identity is essential to thriving in the fast-growing and competitive cannabis industry. One such way to build a strong brand identity is by using custom cannabis packaging.  

However, you don’t want just any cannabis packaging; you want one that’s visually appealing and functional. This would require hiring a custom cannabis packaging designer.

The ideal designer not only enhances the visual appeal of your product but also ensures compliance with regulations. Now, let’s see how you can find the best custom cannabis packaging designer. 

Tips to Hiring the Right Custom Cannabis Packaging Designer for Your Brand 

Getting the best custom cannabis packaging designer can be challenging if you don’t know the steps. Below are a few tips to help you get started: 

#1. Define Your Brand Identity and Packaging Needs

Before searching for a custom cannabis packaging designer, clearly define your brand identity. This would make it easier to communicate the specific requirements for your cannabis packaging. 

Ask questions like:

  • Who is your target audience, and what do they like?
  • What message do you want to convey about your brand?
  • What unique elements do you want to incorporate in your design?

This clarity will guide the selection process.

#2. Industry Experience and Compliance Knowledge

Look for a packaging designer with experience in the cannabis industry. Search for a custom cannabis packaging designer familiar with cannabis regulations. Specifically, they should understand the laws regarding labeling and child-resistant packaging.

#3. Portfolio Evaluation

Review the designer’s portfolio to assess the quality and diversity of their work. It’s best to search for a portfolio showcasing versatility and creativity. Moreover, it should show they understand various cannabis product categories, from flowers to edibles. While reviewing their portfolio, consider how well the designer integrates brand elements into the packaging.

#4. Client References and Reviews

Request client references from potential custom cannabis packaging designers. Also, take the time to contact them. You can ask about the designer’s experience, communication skills, and responsiveness. In essence, assess the past clients’ overall satisfaction with the final products. Additionally, you can explore online reviews and testimonials for a broader perspective.

#5. Collaboration and Communication Skills

Effective collaboration between your team and the packaging designer is essential. As such, assess their communication skills and willingness to understand your brand vision. A collaborative designer can contribute significantly to developing packaging that aligns with your brand’s identity.

#6. Technology and Innovation

In a rapidly evolving industry, you should work with a packaging designer who embraces technology and innovation. Inquire about their use of design software. Ask about their knowledge of emerging trends. 

Moreover, it would help if you noted their willingness to explore new and creative concepts for your custom cannabis packaging.

#7. Budget Considerations

Discuss pricing structures with potential custom cannabis packaging designers. However, you should remember that while it’s important to consider costs, you should also prioritize value and quality. A well-designed and compliant packaging solution is an investment in your brand’s success.

#8. Legal and Ethical Considerations

Ensure that the packaging designer adheres to legal and ethical standards. You can verify their understanding of intellectual property laws, including trademarks and copyrights. This will help you avoid any legal issues arising from your brand’s visual properties.


Finding the best custom cannabis packaging designer requires a thorough and thoughtful approach. You can identify a partner who meets your design needs by considering the right factors. This will, in turn, place your cannabis business as a top brand in the cannabis market.